Shipping & Returns

Processing Time

We process orders after 24 hours of placement. Do incase if you have to cancel it, you can email support within 24 hours. Delivery time varies with respect to cities and country. For most of the orders, it takes 4-7 days to deliver.


We deliver all orders within two week. 

An order may be marked undelivered on the website but hold a “Delivered” status on the tracking portal. In such a case, you should check your nearest post office as the product may be delivered. 

Different countries and states may have different restrictions due to Covid-19 which may disrupt the delivery times. These restrictions can cause your order to be delivered late by one or two weeks. However, we ensure the quickest dispatch from our side and deliver orders through the most efficient shipping methods. 

Shipping Cost 

All orders are done with Free Shipping.

Returns and Refunds

Our company allows all customers to receive a return or full refund under four different categories. 

Broken or Defective Product

If you were delivered a faulty or broken product, you can file a quick request for a refund through email with a video or photo attachment highlighting the defect. A refund or exchange request is only accepted within the first 15 days after the product was delivered. The company will send you a new product or refund the full payment once the reviewing process is over.

Incorrect Product

In case the product you received is different from what you ordered, you can file a request for either a full refund or exchange with the accurate product. As it is a mistake caused by the company, we ensure amendment with full financial coverage. You will be refunded for the charges you incur during the return shipping process as well.

The product must be sent within 15 days of delivery and in the condition it was received. It must be noted that in case the product received by the company is used or damaged by the customer, it will not be refunded fully. Keep the product safe and untouched to ensure a complete refund or hassle-free exchange.

Product Never Arrived

In case you did not receive your order after the estimated delivery time has passed, refer to the online portal. If you are unable to track your order through the online portal after ten days have passed, you may contact the company. You can reach our customer support through email at, and our representatives will update you about the order. We will make sure your order is delivered without any further delay. 

Customer Dislikes the Product

A customer can also request a refund in case they do not like the product due to different reasons. However, in such a case, the product must be returned within seven days only. Only the product’s price will be refunded, excluding the shipping charges incurred. You must note that all returns must be made in their original condition. In case the returned product is damaged or missing any part, the refund claim will not work. 

Things to Remember

Please note that the refund amount can take anywhere between 5-10 days to reach your bank account. In case the refund amount is not received after the estimated time has passed, reach out through an email. Our company will ensure that all amounts are quickly refunded without any further delay. 

The PayPal fee incurred during your transaction is deducted by that company and is therefore non-refundable from our side. 

When shipping back your returns, make sure you don’t use the label shown on the initial package. Doing this can lead to your product being lost in transit and therefore not being refunded.